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Benefits of Industry 4.0*
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IR4.0 is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain.

When Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in 1913, he ushered in the second Industrial Revolution — and upended the automotive industry. Now a century later, thanks to the concept of Industry 4.0, the automotive industry is again making a dramatic shift. Industry 4.0 has been a boon to the automotive industry, streamlining operations and offering new business opportunities.

The three applications that signal future changes are: more powerful batteries for renewable energy; an intelligent drive and provides real-time machine performance; and fuel cells for stationary power systems. Industry 4.0 energy efficiency isn't just about the batteries themselves - it's also about being efficient overall.

Smart healthcare is a health service system that uses technology such as wearable devices, IoT, and mobile internet to dynamically access information, connect people, materials and institutions related to healthcare, and then actively manages and responds to medical ecosystem needs in an intelligent manner.