Featured Industrial Products:

PRODUCT: Visualization HMI - Industry 4.0 integration
High-Value Visualization Systems
KEB’s powerful and cost-effective visualization systems are well-equipped to handle both simple and complex applications.
A large number of communication drivers and interfaces ensures an open, communicative, flexible HMI solution for a wide range of controls and drives.
In addition, C6 HMI panels offer intelligent memory management with lots of internal memory for storing application-specific data.
Requirements for remote maintenance solutions will become more demanding as technology advances. To prepare for the future needs of our users KEB offers software-based remote maintenance incorporated as standard in all C6 HMI and C6 HMI LC.
You can find more information on KEB remote maintenance under the Remote Control Solutions link in right sidebar.

PRODUCT: Compact PLC - Industry 4.0 Integration
The Compact PLC C6 Compact Convinces With It's Efficient Concept
KEB’C C6 Compact embedded controller combines economy with flexibility and excellent performance. In addition to the real-time EtherCat-Master, there are a number of slave interface options available (CANOpen, Profibus, Profinet RT, Interbus, EtherCAT, Powerlink) as well as a CAN-Master.
As a PLC, the Compact can take over the control of an entire system or serve as a lower-level controller. The real-time bus system provides coordination and synchronous progress of the axes and enables consistent communication and diagnostics on all levels up to the drive.
The control system has and effective design that uses no superimposed operating system, so it can dedicate all computing potential to soft-SPS and motion task applications.
In addition to real-time performance from each of the communication interfaces, the C6 Compact has four integrated digital inputs and four outputs. Expansion and decentralization of further I/O is controlled via EtherCAT bus, using an additional bus coupler.
Programming and code processing and handled using COMBIVIS Studio 6 software, which is based on standard IEC 61131-3.
Finally, a C6 HMI panel can easily be linked using Ethernet to enable remote maintenance tasks.
PRODUCT: DIN RAIL IPC - Industry 4.0 Integration
DIN Rail IPC C6 Smart DIN Rail
Today’s modular machine designs require decentralized architecture. Conventional automation modules have begun to migrate from the conventional control cabinet directly into the installation. The new generation of KEB DIN rail IPCs is design precisely for this type of installation.
The C6 SMART is perfectly tailored to the runtime environment and real-time capability with a powerful processor for performing complex automation tasks. The integrated micro UPS and spacious onboard memory make the C6 SMART a robust, reliable system. The device takes up 47mm on the DIN rail and supports direct coupling with remote I/O modules.

PRODUCT: PANEL IPC - Industry 4.0 Integration
KEB IPC Panels boast impressive operating capabilities for all applications
Versatile IPC panels from KEB are available in a range of sizes, formats, resolutions, and touch technologies. Users can also choose from a list of processors, data carriers, and optional interfaces.
Together with pre-installed runtime libraries, IPC panels are being used for machine control and motion sequence processes as well as display, data acquisition, and image processing. All KEB IPCs are equipped with an integrated micro UPS to ensure all data is saved in the event of a sudden power failure.
Remote maintenance software is available as an option, making the IPC panel a cost-effective, complete operation and maintenance tool.
PRODUCT: BOX IPC - Industry 4.0 Integration
Series for wall mounting in control cabinets
The Box series IPC from KEB is designed for wall-mounting in control cabinets. Each version has a range of processor sand data carriers available, as well as a selection of optional interfaces. A local or decentralized C6 monitor can be connected via standard DVI connection up to 100 m away for display and visualization.
The C6 Box IPC with integral C6 monitor can be used to control machine processes and motion sequences, as well as visualization, data acquisition, and image processing. Optional remote maintenance software can be integrated to create a complete system for operation and maintenance.
All KEB IPCs are equipped with an integrated micro UPS to ensure all data is saved in the event of a sudden power failure.

PRODUCT: BOOK MOUNT IPC - Industry 4.0 Integration
Series for wall mounting in control cabinets
Book mount IPCs from KEB come in a compact format ideal for use in control cabinets. They support a wide range of industrial automation requirements by offering a variety of processors and operating systems, depending on the needs of the installation. All of the necessary connections and plug-in points are located on the top and front of the device, making it extremely user-friendly.
PRODUCT: INDUSTRIAL MONITOR - Industry 4.0 Integration
The line of C6 Monitors from KEB was designed to supplement the Box, Book Mount, and DIN Rail IPCs with an industrial monitor for visualization and operation of decentralized machine installations. With an extension module the monitor can provide graphics and touch technology up to 100 m away with only one cable.
The KEB range of displays feature robust, industrial monitors with integral touch screens in an attractive design. They are available in a variety of sizes and the customer can choose from a standard or widescreen display format.
C6 monitors are available with resistive or capacitive touch technology.

PRODUCT: PLC I/O SYSTEM - Industry 4.0 Integration
Whether analog or digital, the recording and output of signals from a decentralized installation requires a suitable means of signal transmission. The KEB I/O system is based on the fast and economical Ethernet hardware with EtherCAT protocol standard on every module. EtherCAT provides the system with tried and tested real-time communication to every component.
KEB’s remote I/O system is made with a 25 mm aluminum frame to meet the highest requirements in EMC resistance and provide high packing density.
The efficient plug-in design of the I/O modules enables fast assembly, easy connection, and easy exchange of units on a standard 35 mm DIN rail. The spring-loaded connectors offer vibration resistance and the ability to remove the unit without special tools. Optional shield clamps are available to ensure proper grounding and provide strain relief to the connection lines.
With the KEB Remote I/O system you will be able to achieve high-performance decentralized I/O for any modular machine system.
PRODUCT: SAFETY PLC & SAFETY I/O - Industry 4.0 Integration
Safety functions in innovative industrial installations
A high standard of safety is vital in industrial automation settings. With each new machine generation, there is an increasing emphasis on flexible programming for these features to ensure a place in the future-oriented market.
At KEB we have taken up this challenge and devised an innovative solution with the Safety PLC controller and Safety Remote I/O module. Our latest safety devices can be incorporated into an existing installation using EtherCAT. Real-time communication is achieved using EtherCAT with Safety over EtherCAT® (FSoE) certified safety protocol. With the Safety PLC, any number of FSoE slaves can be linked, including the safety I/O module, or a KEB drive controller with a safety module.
The programmable Safety PLC and Remote I/O module comply with the requirements of IEC 61508 SIL 3 and DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Plc safety standards. It is programmed with COMBIVIS Studio 6, which comes with safety function elements built-in, allowing the user to design an application that meets safety requirements while saving time and money in the design process.

A service center is often tasked with a variety of important duties – function diagnostics, adapting to regional standards, preventive maintenance, updating software. Having to make service calls to a job site is costly and time consuming, particularly when only a few parameters or lines of code need to changed. COMBIVIS Connect software by KEB allows service technicians to make necessary changes remotely, saving on critical resources.
fsSafety and security of a user’s data is an important consideration of remote maintenance. With his is mind, COMBIVIS Connect ensures compliance with maximum certified security and safety standards with the advantage of a worldwide network of servers.